MA+ Complex If Doctor's Only Knew, They'd Tell you!
Now they can!
This information could change the
quality of your life!
What is MA+ Complex
An all-natural source of amino acids shown to maintain optimal health
through proper intracellular levels of Glutathione.
Glutathione is the Master Antioxidant protecting all 100 trillion
cells that make up the human body. Wouldn't you like that protection?
MA+ Complex Glutathione is a tripeptide made
from 3 amino acids: glycine, glutamate (glutamic acid), and cysteine. In our modern world almost all the protein, which contains
tripeptides, we consume is cooked. The thermal labile amino acid cysteine is destroyed by the heat of cooking thus blocking
the body's ability to develop Glutathione in every living cell. Without the availability of Glutathione the body will not
produce new cells and existing cells are susceptible to the damaging effects of free radicals. We are exposed to free radicals
from our environment: polluted air, pharmaceuticals, exercise, radiation, alcohol, cigarettes, and even stress and disease.
When more cells are being killed from these causes than are being replaced, we are aging at an accelerated rate.
has 4 major funtions:
An Antioxidant is a substance that neutralizes destructive free radicals,
some are manufactured by the metabolic processes of the body, others are derived from foods, the air we breath, exercise,
stess and disease. Gutathione is the most powerful antioxidant occurring naturally in all of the 70-100 trillion cells that
make up the human body. That is why Glutathione is called the Master Antioxidant (MA+ Complex). The effectiveness of all other
antioxidants like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium all depend upon the availability of Glutathione.
deficiency of the Master Antioxidant leads to oxidative related diseases: accelerated aging, cell destruction, damaged DNA
which can lead to cancer, Arteriosclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Diabetes, diseases of the immune system, Cataracts, Alzheimer's,
Macular Degeneration, COPD, Allergy, and Asthma.
Immune Booster
The immune system is directly dependent upon
Glutathione for proper functions, and is considered the body's frontline defense against infection. The immune system wants
to create white blood cells to fight such infections as bacterial diseases, the common cold, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, Herpes,
chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and even cancer, but without Glutathione, the master antioxidant, no cells will be
Glutathione is also know as the toxic waste neutralizer of the body. In the liver
it will neutralize toxic pollutants and even carcinogens and eliminate them from the body. Most prescription drugs have negative
side effects upon the liver, which Glutathione has been shown to alleviate. It is also beneficial in drug overdoses, chemotherapy
and radiation exposure.
Radiation Protection
We are exposed to radiation daily from natural sources such as
cosmic rays, radioactive minerals, and even sunlight. Other sources include nuclear waste, industrial waste, and building
materials. Medical X-rays, mammograms, CT scans and other procedures all add up. Radiation exposures produce Hydoxyradicals,
the most reactive radicals known. Studies show that Glutathione protects the cell from these damaging radicals which cause
skin cancer, DNA damage and eye damage.
Why MA+ Complex
MA+ Complex is the most bioactive form of Glutathione
precursors. These amino acid components are delivered to the interior of each cell and there they are assembled into Glutathione.
Studies show that ingesting whole Glutathione as a supplement does not increase intracellular Glutathiona levels. One must
ingest the precursors of Gltathione as found in MA+ Complex to elevate intracellular levels of protection from Glutathione.
Research has shown that high levels of intercellular Glutathione can protect cells from destruction, detoxify pollutants,
and elevate the body to produce new cells of all types to replace those that died.
Therefore, Glutathione is the Master
Antioxidant of every living cell in your entire body. Shouldn't you protect them with MA+ Complex!
MA+: Overview Call
with Dr. Cords for Medical Professionals:
Call and listen to a recorded message: 212-461-8719.
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